Keeping Tyler’s memory alive in our hearts and minds!

Mission Statement

We create emotional connections with friends and family by gathering together through our events, raising money to help those in crisis, but most importantly, by remembering Tyler, we keep his memory alive in our hearts and minds.

Who We Are

The Tyler Richardson Foundation is a 501(3)c company that was formed by Shane and Ann after losing their two year old son, Tyler, in a tragic accident in 2006. The mission of this foundation is to give people a helping hand. Monies raised through this foundation have assisted families that have lost everything in a fire, to children with major medical bills. We award annual college scholarships to a Talawanda High School senior. Below is a picture of a fire truck, "Tyler's Tanker" that the foundation purchased for the Somerville Fire Department, which is run strictly by volunteers. This department is close to our heart because they were the first responders to Tyler's accident. We are currently working on two local parks in Tyler’s name, you can read more in our blog section about our mission to help others. This foundation is unstoppable because through this foundation Tyler lives on!


About Tyler

Tyler Shane Richardson was born to Shane and Ann Richardson on August 14, 2004. He joined his 2 year old brother Nathan Mack. Some of the things Tyler loved was riding 4 wheelers and fishing with his Papaw Mack. He also loved playing with his brother doing all the things that brothers do, like playing in mud, playing with dogs, climbing a rock wall on their swing set, swinging, lots of things that little 2 year old boys like to do. His favorite area to rest was on his Mom’s hip, for a time he was referred to as the ‘growth on her hip’, or mother’s growth. He had already developed a love of chocolate and when the word was mentioned he would do his chocolate, chocolate, chocolate dance.

The very tragic farm accident of October 3, 2006 took him from us just at the time when he was learning to talk and being able to do more things that big boys do. But, out of that tragedy came a decision to add another child to the family. And joyfully on October 8, 2007, Natylie Ann was born. She is a combination of the boys, but uniquely Natylie. She is the most joyful of babies and has been a blessing to both Shane’s and Ann’s families. Ann often refers to Natylie as her gift from Tyler.

Tyler is very sadly missed, but memories of him are talked about very often , that keeps him in our hearts and minds in a very real way. It is amazing how many memories are made by a little tyke who was just barely two, but he filled us with his being.